I'm sure everyone sends their love and hugs and we are all relieved to hear that they are ok. I hope the gig in Birmingham goes ok today.
This is from facebook: The sole attacker struck Mike on the head before making away with his rucksack just after midnight. Jon caught the man who then ran off empty-handed. Both Jon and Mike have been assessed at A&E and have been discharged. They both received facial injuries which will heal over time #Shocked
Both band members are still hoping to continue with all G4's scheduled activities and don't want anyone to be overly concerned
This is totally shocking! The poor guys, I hope they're ok and recovering from their horrible experience & injuries.
I'll have a go Natalie. This is the only thing I found in the press so far.
G4 singers attacked by mugger of operatic harmony group G4 have been targeted by a mugger who fled empty-handed after trying to snatch a laptop. Mike Christie, who was hit over the head with a solid object, and Jonathan Ansell both suffered soft tissue damage during the offence on a recreation ground in the Yardley area of Birmingham. Christie expressed disbelief at the "bizarre" attack on Twitter after the offender made off with his rucksack, containing the laptop, in the early hours of Sunday. t Ansell gave chase and managed to wrestle back the hold-all, receiving a blow to his left eye before the assailant ran off. Both singers - whose group shot to fame in the first series of ITV's The X Factor in 2004 - were assessed and discharged at Birmingham's Heartlands Hospital. Ansell told the Press Association he chased and struck the mugger after realising that crucial information relating to the group was on the laptop. The 34-year-old said: "We went out at midnight-ish to barn-storm over ideas and stuff and the plan was to go to McDonald's. "All of a sudden I just heard Mike shout out an expletive and saw this figure running off with the rucksack. "I instinctively chased after him and grabbed the bag and ended up with stars in my eyes after being punched in the face." Ansell said he had decided not to report the offender - who was wearing a hat or a hood - to the police because they had recovered their property. Fellow group member Christie, 35, said: "I'm very shaken by the incident and am just pleased no one got severely injured. "I am also really thankful to Jon for managing to recover my rucksack from the scumbag."
I tried to copy paste which is hit and miss with me if it works but just now it does not
News item on Twitter and Facebook
Shocked to hear what happened to you both,sending get well wishes and love for speedy recovery,take care,mo & shelley xx
Totally shocking news. And what absolute professionals to carry on with their performance engagement in Birmingham today. You don't think of these things happening, but am guessing it's sadly part of today's society. Take care boys and I hope you are both none too shocked after your scary experience.
P.S. It's now making some of the online newspaper stories plus BBC and ITV news.